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The United States Senate

Agenda: The Watergate Scandal

The Watergate Scandal was a pivotal point in American political history that took place in the early 1970s, which cast a deep dark shadow over the nation and tainted its political systems name as a whole as well as challenged its constitutional integrity. The issue was focussed around a clandestine operation orchestrated by members of President Richard Nixon’s government, caused by a criminal break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters situated within the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.


This illegal intrusion, carried out under the appearance of political espionage, marked the initial thread in the complex web of lies, deceit, and misuse of authority orchestrated by Nixon's team that slowly became clear over time, showing a troubling pattern of unethical behaviour and abuse of power. Revelations arising from investigative journalism and congressional inquiries uncovered an intertwined network of covert activities perpetrated by Nixon's inner circle, including illegal wiretapping, surveillance and many

more things.


Like an onion, the layers of controversy were peeled back, the public was confronted with a portrait of executive wrongdoing and mishap. The attempted cover-up carried out by Nixon and subordinates, which used obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, and abuse of executive authority, further increased the gravity of the scandal.


The following investigations, spearheaded by both independent journalists and Congressional committees which were supposed by both parties, uncovered a trove of incriminating evidence, undermining the culture of corruption and unpunished crimes that had permeated the highest ranks of power. With compounding pressure, Nixon and his allies found themselves in a cobweb of lies and faced backlash from the public, media and political opponents. In the middle of near-certain impeachment and the demolition of public confidence, President Nixon tendered his resignation on August 9, 1974, marking an unprecedented moment in American governance as the only President to voluntarily vacate the Oval Office. The episode of the Watergate saga served as a sobering reminder of the fragility of democratic institutions and the imperative of upholding the principles of transparency, honesty, accountability, and the rule of law.


Going into the depth of the issue, it is the first time in the history of the United States of America, that the government has gone against the letter and spirit of the Constitution adding to the severity of the issue. As a part of the Senate, it is time to reflect, review and restore the faith people had in our government. As people protest, fight and call for change, it is our job to change and work for the benefit of our civilians.


Lastly, the Watergate scandal stands as an influencing chapter in the record of American history, unforgettably shaping perceptions of executive authority, government oversight, and the enduring quest for ethical and transparent governance. Its enduring legacy serves as an important testament to the enduring importance of vigilance, civic engagement, and the safeguarding of democratic norms in the preservation of a free

and just society.


Delegates, as we convene at this committee, the accountability of our government has been challenged, and it is your job to work for the integrity of our nation to return. As the famous British writer C.S Lewis said, ‘Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.’ Delegates, we need to keep this quote in mind and implement it in our work for the prosperity of our nation.


Now, as we meet it is up to you all. Will we be able to restore trust in our government? Will we be able to bring back the faith people had in our constitution? Will we be able to undo what the Nixon government has done?

Letter from the Director

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

- Jack Kennedy


Dear Delegates,


It is my honour to welcome you to Capitol Hill, to the floor of the United States Senate, at the 28th session of the Cathedral Model United Nations. This year, our senate focuses on a fictional scenario based on real-life events: whether to convict or acquit President Nixon in relation to the Watergate Scandal.


In light of this scandal, delegates find themselves at a crossroads of constitutional duty and moral obligation. As senators representing the diverse interests and values of their constituencies across the United States, they must navigate the complex terrain of political accountability and uphold the principles of transparency and justice. Nixon's misdeeds resonate within the Senate chamber, prompting delegates to reflect on the responsibility entrusted to them by their constituents and the nation as a whole. Each and every vote plays a role in shaping the future of the country and the history of the US, vote carries the weight of history, an acknowledgement of the legacy of the Watergate Scandal, and its impact on American governance. Amidst intense debate and impassioned pleas for integrity, delegates grapple with the fundamental question of whether the evidence warrants conviction or acquittal. They must scrutinize the constitutional framework, weighing the information against the principles of due process and the rule of law. As deliberations unfold, delegates are reminded of these wise words courtesy of President Lincoln, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. With this guiding principle in mind, they strive to fulfil their duty with an unwavering commitment to justice and the preservation of democratic norms. Ultimately, the fate of President Nixon and the country rests in the hands of these senators, who must rise above partisan divides to deliver a verdict that restores faith in the integrity of the government and reaffirms the enduring principles enshrined in the US Constitution.


Now here’s a little about myself. I am in my senior year, studying in the IBDP. Academically, I’m interested in English and Global Politics, being a lifelong Democrat. Outside school, my interests lie in music, film and sports. I sing, play classical piano, and my favourite musical is

Dear Evan Hansen. My favourite movies are The Godfather, Star Wars and Casablanca. When it comes to sports, I am (unfortunately) a Giants, Knicks, Rangers and Yankees fan, however, I can vouch for the character development that comes with supporting a “doormat” team. Furthermore, I love hanging out with my friends, playing games, eating dinner, whatever.


CMUN 2024 will be my third and final CMUN and will act as the finale to my Model UN career. It has been a major part of my school life, characterized by friendships, memories, and an abundance of knowledge. So, whether this is your first Model UN conference or your last, I implore you to try your hardest, but also enjoy yourself, interact with new people, take in different perspectives, and create connections because trust me, these chances go by quicker than you’d think. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, at


Until August,

Aditya Bhat,


The United States Senate, CMUN 2024.

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Aditya Bhat



School Address:


The Cathedral and John Connon School,

6, Purushottamdas Thakurdas Marg, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400001.


MUN Coordinators (8 AM to 8 PM)


Mrs. Anshuma Shah: +91 9820092500


Mrs. Cebone D'Silva: +91 8850498474








Secretary-General: Anoushka Singh



Deputy Secretary-General: Krish Lambah



Designed by:


Rishan Shah

Samarth Gupta


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